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📖 A book summarizing the subject book of Shams Al-Din Al-Dhahabi 📖By Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthman...

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📖 A book summarizing the subject book of Shams Al-Din Al-Dhahabi 📖By Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthman bin Qaymaz al-Dhahabi, known as Shams al-Din al-DhahabiEnjoy reading the book Summarizing the Book of Subjects by Shams al-Din al-Dhahabi with the best application for books and stories without the Internet and many other featuresThe Book of Al-Mawdoo’at by Sheikh Abi al-Faraj Ibn al-Jawzi. It was revised and refined. Imam al-Dhahabi reduced the length of its chains of transmission and shortened some of the lengthy texts and some sayings about men.The book Summary of the Book of Subjects by Ibn al-Jawzi is considered one of the important references for researchers and specialists in the field of Hadith studies. Where the book summarizing the book of subjects by Ibn al-Jawzi falls within the scope of the sciences of hadith and the closely related branches of jurisprudence, biography and other branches of the Prophets guidance.Ibn al-Jawzi held an introduction to his book (Al-Mawdoo’at), which we had referred to and its chapters, which it contained, from our discussion of the book (Al-Mawdoo’at), in which he mentioned the categories of hadeeths in terms of acceptance and rejection, and he mentioned the types of fabricators and the scholars’ resistance to fabrication, and other important and good texts on the subject of fabrication and what is related to it. Then he sealed it with his approach in arranging the book and mentioning its chapters and books.As for Imam Al-Dhahabi - may God have mercy on him - he did not mention any of that, and he contented himself with mentioning the arrangement of Imam Ibn Al-Jawzi for the books mentioned in the book, although Imam Al-Dhahabi, as he did in (Al-Ilal Al-Muntanahiyah), disagreed in mentioning these books as he mentioned translations of books that were not in the book ( Al-Mawdoo’at) by Ibn Al-Jawzi. For example, Imam Ibn Al-Jawzi mentioned in his first book “The Book of Monotheism”, followed by “The Book of Faith”, then “Al-Mubtada”, then “The Book of the Prophets” and then “The Book of Knowledge”, while Imam Al-Dhahabi’s arrangement was contrary to it, as he began with “Tawheed”. Then “faith” then “the initiator” then “goodness and attributes” then “old age” then “knowledge.” So the book “goodness and attributes” and “old age” were not mentioned by Imam Ibn al-Jawzi, but rather mentioned in their place is “the book of the prophets” and the hadiths listed under them at al-Dhahabi These are the hadiths that Al-Dhahabi included under the two books that we mentioned, this book “Al-Hasan and Al-Sifat” in terms of the introduction. So, Imam Al-Dhahabi did not write an introduction to his book, and he also disagreed with Imam Ibn Al-Jawzi in the order of the books and in naming them.Imam Ibn al-Jawzi divided his book into books, and under each book he mentioned a number of chapters bearing titles that are translations that express the hadiths listed under it, as is the case of other hadith scholars when they divide their books, such as al-Bukhari, for example, into books and chapters on jurisprudence. Chapters, and do not adhere to what Ibn al-Jawzi mentioned from the chapters. These distinctions were also clear in the book (The Infinite Illnesses).Author:He is Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthman bin Qaymaz bin Abdullah al-Turkmani, of Faraqi origin, then of Damascene Shams al-Din al-Dhahabi, a scholar of hadeeth and a Hafiz imam. He combined two features that only the few ingenious people had together in our history, as he combines, in addition to the extensive knowledge of Islamic history, incidents and men, the extensive knowledge of the rules of wounding and amending men, so he alone was a self-contained school. Imam al-Dhahabi is one of the scholars who entered the field of history in the field of the Prophet’s hadith and its sciences, and this was evident in his great care for translations, which became the basis of many of his books and the focus of his historical thinking.❇️ Chapters of the book summarizing the book of topics for the golden ❇️ - Monotheism- Faith- debutanteGoodness and attributes- He got old- Science- the year- of the virtues- A chapter on what was placed in Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him- And from what was put in Omar Al-Farouq, may God be pleased with him- And from what was put in Othman, may God be pleased with him- From what was established for me, peace be upon him- It is among the virtues of Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein and their mother, peace be upon themSeparate him from the household- Chapter on the virtue of a sectThe virtues of placesMention the days- One of Ibn al-Jawzis topics is purity- PrayerZakat and charity- generosity- Fasting- Pilgrimage- Travel- Strive or Struggle- Sudan- Sales- Nikah- foods- RoosterChicken and pigeons- Locust- the bird- fish- the drinksDress book- DecorationsSleep book- literature- The Book of Righteousness- giftsThe Book of JudgmentsBook of faith and vows- The book of sins- the border- The book of asceticism- Pray for- The Book of Sermons- The Book of Commandments- Book of epics and temptationsDisease bookHeavens Book- Inheritances- GravesThe Book of Resurrection- the Paradise- Book of Fire- And the despicable topic on the CompanionsWe are pleased with your suggestions and communication with [email protected]